Our research will be presented at the 251st meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego, USA (March 13-17, 2016). Vojtech Mlynsky will present our research on RNA reactivity (title of the talk: QM/MM approach to the phosphate cleavage of non-reactive RNA nucleotides); Richard Cunha will show our results on Mg/RNA interactions (title of the talk: Mg2+/RNA binding: Insights from atomistic molecular dynamics with enhanced sampling); Alejandro Gil-Ley will show our molecular dynamics calculations on oligonucleotides (titles of posters: Enhanced conformational sampling using replica exchange with collective-variable tempering, and RNA conformational ensembles: Narrowing the gap between experiments and simulations with metadynamics); and Giovanni Pinamonti will show our results on RNA dynamics (titles of the posters: Elastic network models for RNA: A comparative assessment with molecular dynamics and SHAPE experiments and Studying the kinetic properties of small RNA molecules using Markov state models).