
July 31st, 2013
Standing: Francesco C., Sandro, Andrea, Maria, Francesco D.P., Giovanni B., Pasquale, and Giovanni P.
Squatting: Alejandro and Richard
Giovanni Bussi - Associate Professor, Principal Investigator
Sandro Bottaro - Post-doctoral Researcher
Vojtech Mlynsky – Post-doctoral Researcher (since January 2015)
Simon Poblete – Post-doctoral Researcher (since May 2014)
Sabine Reisser - Post-doctoral Researcher (since October 2015)
Andrea Cesari – PhD student (since October 2015)
Richard André Cunha – PhD student (since October 2014)
Alejandro Gil-Ley – PhD student (since October 2013)
Giovanni Pinamonti – PhD student (since October 2013)
Past members: Francesco Colizzi (post-doc, until July 2013), Maria Darvas (post-doc, until January 2016), Marco Jacopo Ferrarotti (visiting undergraduate student, February to May 2013), Pasquale Pisani (visiting PhD student, February 2013 to February 2014, IIT), Javier Iglesias-Fernandez (visiting PhD student, November 2013 to February 2014, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain), Andrea Cesari (visiting undergraduate student, February to May 2014), Francesco Di Palma (PhD student, until October 2014), Andrea Perez-Villa (PhD student, until October 2015).
Collaborators: Cameron Abrams (Drexel, U.S.), Pavel Banáš (Palacký University, Czech Republic), Massimiliano Bonomi (University of California, San Francisco, U.S.), Davide Branduardi (Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Germany), Carlo Camilloni (University of Cambridge, U.K.), Paolo Carloni (GRS Jülich, Germany), Trang N. Do (University of Waterloo, Canada), Daniel A. Lafontaine (Sherbrooke, Canada), Cristian Micheletti (SISSA, Italy), Jiří Šponer (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Gareth A. Tribello (Queen’s University, Belfast, U.K.), Gabriele Varani (University of Washington, U.S.)